How it works

Learn about our patent-pending
methodology for creation of 'causal
links' as well as how Causality functions.

Proof of Possession of Physical Goods [and waypoints]


One of the most unique aspects of Causality, and the origin of the platform's namesake, is the manner in which physical objects and their digital experience counterparts are activated. We call this patent-pending methodology of ours Proof of Possession of Physical Goods... or POPphy, for short.

POPphy enables a world of versatility, allowing creation of multiple experiences for the same physical object (even by different people, if you allow it) and much more. It also makes it easy to plug your physical item into any kind of environment, opening up brand new opportunities not available through other platforms.

What POPphy means, in lay terms, is that if you do not have a physical cause (object) then you cannot enjoy its digital effect. POPphy was conceived to create long-lasting connections between physical objects (or waypoints) and the digital realm in such a way that is meaningful (and therefore important) to the end-user. Otherwise, it's just another fleeting connection that opens a mobile website on your phone and what's new or interesting about that? [Nothing.]


Easy as 1-2-3

Step 1

Add NFC tag to your physical item

These can be run of the mill NFCs you can buy through Amazon or highly secure NFCs you can attain through one of our distributers/partners (they can also create custom physical items for you).

Step 2

Add NFC data to your Causality account

Manage your own dashboard. Upload/edit/add/remove eligible NFCs for the experience as you see fit. Track which NFCs are successfully connecting.

Step 3


Using our docs, plug the API middleware into any environment: desktop/mobile website, game engine, platform. Wrap it in a conditional to unlock items, access, discounts, privileges, benefits, points, for your end-users.